@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Barlow&family=Fraunces:opsz,wght@9..144,900&display=swap') Pricing and Packaging Masterclass with Chantelle Bruinsma - sort your studio's pricing structure for good!
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Are you a Studio Owner who feels tense whenever you think about money (or lack thereof) coming through your door during the summer months or term breaks?

This may be happening because your bury you head in the sand and haven't devised a pricing structure that can set you up for more profit and ease!

Breathe easier as we can help you remove the stress of how and when money is dropping into your account.

You'll receive access to this in-depth course PLUS accompanying workbook so that you can roll out your own strategy to fix your studio's pricing and packaging model straight away.

Here's a sneak-peak into what you'll receive in this Masterclass for only $247 $17 USD (a no-brainer investment in your future):

✅ Chantelle's suggested Pricing Model that will set you up for more profits and more ease within your studio's systems

✅ Real-life examples

✅ Common mistakes and how to avoid them

✅ What you should be charging and when!

⭐️ BONUS: Workbook with suggestions and templates on how to roll out this model within your studio. 

Let’s redesign your studio business for maximum profit, freedom and joy.

Hi friend, my name is Chantelle Bruinsma, the founder of Studio Evolution.

I am on a mission to help studio owners step into the next level of success in their studios, experiencing more passion, more profits and more purpose than ever before.

And now, it’s a pleasure to share what I know works with you!

The masterclass you're about to access is truly invaluable. My recommendation is dive in and block out some time for implementation. If you put in the time, you will get the results.

I can't wait to hear how you go!

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Chantelle Bruinsma,
CEO + Founder of Studio Evolution
