Free 5-Day Challenge in August 2024 with
Leading Studio Strategist Chantelle Bruinsma
Now in its 7th year!
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✅ The tools you need to nurture and harness the power of your email database and make it your most valuable asset.
✅ The essential elements for guiding and empowering your team to retain students in your studio.
✅ Our 3 signature student interaction strategies that will have your classes so full you may even need a waitlist.
✅ Daily resources and motivation delivered to you to keep you on track during the ENROL-A-THON.
✅ Take back control and get intentional about the way you run your studio's marketing.
⭐️ The chance to be a part of a supportive, creative, and inspiring group of studio owners just like you!
⭐️ Become a member of our private Studio Evolution Library, including online access to your Enrol-a-thon workbook PLUS bonus trainings and webinars specifically for studio owners.
So what is the solution? You need someone to remove the burden of filling your classes. Someone to tell you exactly what to do with your marketing. You need the golden egg of studio business advice so your classes are full with a waitlist every single term.
That's exactly what the 2024 ENROL-A-THON can do for you. This is the 7th year in a row we have run this event and it just gets more epic and wild every single year. It's our favourite season at Studio Evolution. We really hope you'll join us.
Even if you did the ENROL-A-THON last year (or the previous 6 years!) it's 100% worth it to sign up again.
I mean, can you have too many students? Classes that are too full? Too many waitlists? Well you can, but isn't that what you want? Of course, it is!
Our mission for the ENROL-A-THON is simple. We want your classes full, your bank account bulging and for you to relax that tension you're holding in your shoulders right now. Let's do this.
You can have freedom, profit and joy as a studio owner. Let us give you the key to unlocking the life of your dreams.
Hi friend, my name is Chantelle Bruinsma, the founder of Studio Evolution.
I am on a mission to help studio owners step into the next level of success in their studios, experiencing more passion, more profits and more purpose than ever before.
And now, it’s a pleasure to share what I know works with you!
The Enrol-A-Thon challenge you're about to access is truly invaluable. My recommendation is dive in and block out some time for implementation. If you put in the time, you will get the results.
I can't wait to connect with you soon and help you unlock the results of your dreams!
Chantelle Bruinsma,
CEO + Founder of Studio Evolution