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If you're ready for 2023 to be the year you bounce back bigger and better than before, the VIP Double Your Studio in 2023 is the complete package. It can't be missed.
Registration Includes:
Training #1: Double Your Studio in 2023 and jump beyond 600 students training.
Training #2: Studio Business Plan Implementation Workshop
#3 Your 2023 Marketing Master Plan INCLUDING 12 months of ongoing content and support.
Chantelle has created a 2023 marketing strategy with an actionable item each month designed to grow your studio. Each strategy will be delivered live each month. For example, March will focus on how to improve retention. Another month will focus on how to create a summer camp that is simple to implement and has major ripple effects on your studio growth.
She will deliver ideas each month via a short private training so you aren't overwhelmed and can stay focused on the next and most important strategy that will actually Double Your Studio in 2023.
Get instant access to Your Studio Business Plan, Training #1, Training #2, the VIP Facebook Group and monthly marketing trainings for the rest of 2023.
Keep reading.
Do you want to stop worrying about filling your classes?
Do you hear about studios who have 600,700, 1000 students and more and wonder how they got there?
Do a behind-the-scenes look at the marketing and management strategies of successful studios?
Do you want a decent waitlist for each class so you never have to pay teachers to instruct an empty room?
Then don't pass up on the Double Your Studio in 2023 offer and the top training resources included every month in 2023!.
Chantelle ran her own 1000+ student studio and has helped thousands of studio owners grow, while gaining more of their time and freedom back.
Our mission is to see your classes filled and your bank balance healthy.
Let us show you how.
I’m here because I used to be you.
I owned a studio and I was running myself into the ground. There didn’t seem to enough hours in the day and the studio was sucking more and more of my time.
Until I implemented systems and automation and then everything changed. I was able to grow to 6 studio spaces, increase my profits exponentially and take more time for myself and the things I love doing.
If you’re struggling with studio ownership and can’t see a way out of 16 hour work days and a very sad bank account, it’s time to sign up for HOW TO DOUBLE YOUR STUDIO IN 2023.
It’s the perfect taster into the work we do with Studio Evolution.
Give it a go! You’ve got nothing to lose.
I can’t wait to see you in the workshop meeting and help you to grow your studio in a beautiful, impactful way.
All my best,