@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Barlow&family=Fraunces:opsz,wght@9..144,900&display=swap') The Studio Marketing Machine - how we've increased enrolments by 42%
Free Live Training for Studio Owners
 ENCORE: The Studio Marketing Map 
How to increase your enrolments by 42%
(Without spending a cent)
ENCORE: Free Live Training

Tuesday 12th Sept at 10am SYD / Mon 11th Sept at 8pm EST USA
A replay will be available for those who register.
Are you feeling exhausted and over it? Halfway through the year and your enrollments have stagnated?

It’s time to take action with the Secret Studio Marketing Map. Over the last decade, I have helped 1000’s of studio owners grow their studio businesses and I have narrowed down the most golden of my marketing nuggets into this training

And I’m offering it to you

The Secret Studio Marketing Map is just what you’ve been looking for. The motivation jolt, the inspiration boost and the gentle yet firm nudge you need to make 2023 your best year yet 

 This works for ANY type of studio - Music, dance, fitness, yoga, pilates and more. Get your personalized plan now and discover the key to growing your studio business.

Let’s say no. No to copying other people’s marketing plans and taking advice from studio businesses that are totally different to yours. Your studio is unique and your marketing plan should be too!

The FREE Secret Studio Marketing Map will take place

Tuesday 12th Sept at 10am SYD / Monday 11th Sept at 8pm EST USA

Register below and I’ll see you there!

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 Founded in 2011 by Chantelle Bruinsma, Studio Evolution has helped 1000's of studio owners realise their vision for creating high performing and highly profitable businesses that are the heart of their communities and a second home for their students.  
Chantelle Bruinsma
Founder + CEO
All Rights Reserved © Studio Evolution 2023